Tuesday, September 30, 2014

When To Go To The Doctor Series: 3 Questions To Ask Yourself

Need help deciding on when to go to the doctor if you're injured? Are you pushing through your workouts in pain? 

Why? Let me help you decide if it's been too long that you've had pain and when the right time to go to the doctor is. 

Watch this to help.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Athletes' Rotator Cuff Throwing Warm-Up with Denise Lopez

Are you an athlete in need of some proper ways to warm-up your shoulder before practice or a game? Perhaps someone looking for a great shoulder/rotator cuff workout at home? Here are some easy ways to do just that using a Theraband purchased at Sports Authority for $14.99.

In the video below, I will take you through shoulder external and internal rotation at different planes as well as some other motions to warm-up the shoulder. Working with athletes as well as patients in physical therapy, the rotator cuff is a group of muscles that are often overlooked. Research shows that over 80% of 80 year olds have rotator cuff tears! This is because most people don't know the easy, simple way to work their shoulder properly. Hope you enjoy the video. Leave me a comment below on your thoughts or questions about it. Enjoy.

Salud. (To health).

Denise Lopez