Wednesday, March 9, 2016

My Top 5 Prenatal Workouts: Esp. Prenatal Yoga! *How I workout after pre...


If you're looking for ways to exercise while pregnant, here are a few ideas. I've enjoyed figuring out what works best for me and makes me feel good while my body is rapidly changing.

Some of my favorite ways of staying active are:

1. Walking my dog everyday

2. Prenatal Yoga

    Especially Lara Dutta's routine on youtube!

3. Classical Stretch: the Esmond Technique

4. Water Aerobics!

5. Light Weight Lifting

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Back to School, Back to Sports Workout at Home

Hi everyone! Need a push to get back in shape for school? Is your sport coming up and you need help conditioning at home? Here's an at home workout that is fun and challenging! Using a jump rope and some bands, it will help you get back in shape for your upcoming sports season!

I start with a warm-up of jump rope for 1 minute. Then move on to doing agility for 5 minutes. I like to do "Ladder Drills" even if I don't have a sports ladder at home. Just find a straight line and do the patterns over it. I then incorporate some band work and finish it off with some resisted sprints.

It's fast and fun. Comment below if you have questions. Thanks!


Denise Lopez ATC

Sunday, May 10, 2015

No More E Coli, Super Bugs? Living Disease-Free as a Vegan

As I was putting away my cutting boards the other day, it dawned on me...I no longer have to use special "Meat Only" boards or risk cross contaminating them! It was so freeing. I no longer have to worry if the meat has been cooked all the way through or constantly check the meat thermometer.

All because I am officially meat free.

It has been so fun coming up with new recipes or ways of cooking that doesn't include meat as the main dish. Now my "side dishes" are my main dishes! (They were always my favorite part anyways...). Think of living and eating in abundance. Wow! I now eat all the fruit and veggies I want. All the rice, beans, corn, potatoes and lentils I want. No calorie restriction, no more small portions, no more coming down hard on myself for eating too much and worrying about gaining weight.

I encourage you, if you've been considering it, to go Meat Free! Or if that seems like too much, then try a few meals a week without meat. I can't tell you how many great reasons there are for doing would take too long. But a few are lower water usage for cattle, less gas from the cattle, less wasting resources for growing feed for the animals, lower your risk of cancer, improve your overall health, no more torturing and killing thousands of animals a day, less inflammatory disease....just to name a few. Feel light again. Stop feeling bloating by meat and dairy every-time you finish a meal.

Give it a try. See how you feel after a week of doing this. Good luck to you,

Salud. Health to all.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Pre-Holiday Workout Inspiration I I Current Workout Routine

It's that time of year again! Every year I love all the get togethers and meals but I know with those, come possible weight gain. Here is my current workout routine that, hopefully, you can gain some inspiration from. I like to do a lot of body weight workouts including using the TRX system, walking lunges, body squats and a lot of weird crawly exercises. Ending a workout with some yoga and abs helps keep my core strong as well as my body flexible.

I recorded this current workout routine with my IPhone, so I'm sorry it's filmed vertically! But you might find something to inspire you to keep your body moving even through the holidays!

Happy Holidays. Enjoy good food, family, friends and workouts!


Denise Lopez, ATC

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

When To Go To The Doctor Series: 3 Questions To Ask Yourself

Need help deciding on when to go to the doctor if you're injured? Are you pushing through your workouts in pain? 

Why? Let me help you decide if it's been too long that you've had pain and when the right time to go to the doctor is. 

Watch this to help.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Athletes' Rotator Cuff Throwing Warm-Up with Denise Lopez

Are you an athlete in need of some proper ways to warm-up your shoulder before practice or a game? Perhaps someone looking for a great shoulder/rotator cuff workout at home? Here are some easy ways to do just that using a Theraband purchased at Sports Authority for $14.99.

In the video below, I will take you through shoulder external and internal rotation at different planes as well as some other motions to warm-up the shoulder. Working with athletes as well as patients in physical therapy, the rotator cuff is a group of muscles that are often overlooked. Research shows that over 80% of 80 year olds have rotator cuff tears! This is because most people don't know the easy, simple way to work their shoulder properly. Hope you enjoy the video. Leave me a comment below on your thoughts or questions about it. Enjoy.

Salud. (To health).

Denise Lopez

Friday, June 13, 2014

Foam Rolling Lower Body : Q&A Friday

Foam Rolling has been recommended by the NASM-National Academy of Sports Medicine to help supplement your workout with an extra way to warm-up and get your muscle ready!

In this video I show you how to Foam Roll your lower body, specifically your Illiotibial Band, Glutes, Hamstrings and Hip Flexors. These muscles are pretty much your power muscles that drive you when you sprint, squat, lunge or lift. For those who have tried traditional stretching without much result should add this to your routine to supplement that. I recommend 1-2 minutes on any muscle you need to gain flexibility, in addition to stretching statically after a workout. I would do foam rolling and dynamic warmups first, before a workout, then static rope stretching after.

I also have a video about dynamic warm-ups and static stretching if you're interested. You can visit my YouTube channel +La Vida Lopez for more great videos!

Thanks for joining me today! Salud.

Denise Lopez, AT/L